Academic Support
There are many options for students seeking academic support or tutoring at Ohio State.
Dedicated student veteran tutoring times and locations will be posted soon.
Veteran-specific Resources
Counseling for Veterans
Returning to college or beginning college for the first time after armed services deployment can be a stressful and highly frustrating experience for some. Service members coming out of extended periods of exposure to severe emotional or mental trauma and highly stressful working and living conditions may find the transition to college life and academic demands a difficult personal challenge.
The professional staff at Counseling and Consultation Services (CCS) is composed of independently licensed psychologists, psychiatrists, social workers and counselors (as well as graduate students and trainees in these disciplines who are supervised by the professional staff) and our therapists work to create an atmosphere where veterans can examine and discuss freely and confidentially personal concerns of any type. Additionally, the therapists at CCS are aware of the unique challenges returning veterans may encounter and are well trained in assisting veterans with managing such challenges. Our clinicians are ready to offer the support and services that will ease the transition of returning veterans to college life at Ohio State, and, when necessary, to provide referrals to other Ohio State and community resources.
CCS services are available to all students enrolled in a part-time or full-time basis. CCS offers a range of personal counseling services that include meeting on an individual basis, meeting as a couple or family, participating in counseling groups or workshops facilitated by qualified leaders, or participating in workshops on academic effectiveness skills, stress management, self-esteem and career planning.
The first step toward receiving counseling services from CCS is to call 614-292-5766 between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday through Friday. During this call, please indicate that you are a military-connected student and you will receive an expedited intake process. CCS has a dedicated veteran counselor who will work to schedule an appointment with you. Drop-in hours at the Younkin Success Center are also available from noon to 1 p.m. on the first Wednesday of each month.

When Called to Duty
Military Deployment: What do I do when called to active duty?
When students are called to active military duty, it is the university’s intention to make their transition out of the university as smooth and problem-free as possible.
Contact either Shyloe Stark (614-292-6908) or Gina Lee (614-292-3453) in the Military and Veterans Services office to initiate this process and discuss the steps you will need to take to withdraw. For more information, visit the Military Call to Active Duty webpage.
How do I return to Ohio State after serving on active military duty?
If you have taken classes at Ohio State, were called to active military duty, and now wish to return, information is available here about what is needed to re-enroll in classes and to be eligible for federal financial aid. We also recommend that you complete following tasks to ensure a smooth transition to the university as a whole:
- Contact Shyloe Stark (614-292-6908) or Gina Lee (614-292-3453) in the Military and Veterans Services office to be sure that your GI Bill® Benefits are confirmed for your enrollment.
- Confirm your housing. If you want to live on campus, contact the Housing and Residence Education office for available housing options. If you want to live off-campus, contact Off-Campus Student Services for information regarding available off-campus housing and for assistance in finding a roommate.
- If applicable, contact the Student Life Disability Services to arrange for accommodations.
- Re-establish connections. If you have previously received counseling or medical care from the university or the VA, contact those offices to begin receiving services.
University Advising Support
Buckeye Link
Buckeye Link is where you go for all things related to the business of being an Ohio State student. You can log in to access important information including your grades, class registration, bill, financial aid and more! You can also email or call 614-292-0300 for questions. Buckeye Link serves students in person in the Student Academic Services Building at 281 W. Lane Ave.
Choosing a Major
Did you know that Ohio State offers over 200 different majors and hundreds of minors? You can search a list of majors here.
If you are undecided on a major, visit the University Exploration webpage. University Exploration has advisors to help student veterans who are: undecided about a major, interested in taking general courses before choosing a major, decided on a major but haven't met the prerequisite criteria for admission, or interested in switching majors. University Exploration advisors help student veterans find majors that align with their interests, abilities, values and goals.
Contact Emilia Louy, sr. academic advisor, Military and Veteran Services, to schedule an appointment:
Phone: 614-292-0795
Information about academic advising is available below.
Academic Advising
Your academic advisor is a valuable resource. Depending on your college of enrollment, you may be assigned a faculty advisor and/or a professional advisor within your college office. The role of the academic advisor is to clarify university policies and procedures, advise you regarding the General Education curriculum, assist you in course selection and degree planning, and to connect you to other Ohio State resources. Your advisor can also advise you regarding adding/dropping classes, graduation requirements and curricular petitions.
You should correspond with your advisor regularly to map out your program of study and work toward your degree requirements. If you don't know who your advisor is, log in to BuckeyeLink and view your main account page. If you are not assigned an advisor, contact your college of enrollment advising office and schedule an appointment.
In addition to your college advisor, Military and Veterans Services has a full-time academic advisor. If you are considering a change of major, would like to explore what majors are available at Ohio State, would like to discuss scheduling or have other general advising questions, contact Emilia Louy, Sr. Academic Advisor.
To schedule an academic advising appointment with Emilia Louy, please click here.
If you attend a regional campus, search for your campus location on the Undergraduate Advising website.
Graduate students seeking an appointment should contact their department directly.
Student Life Disability Services
Student Life Disability Services (SLDS) offers a variety of individualized accommodations and support services for students with documented disabilities, including learning disabilities, deafness/hearing difficulty, blindness/low vision, mobility limitations, attention deficit disorders (ADD/ADHD), psychiatric conditions, medical disabilities, temporary disabilities and autism spectrum disorders.
The mission of SLDS is to collaborate with and empower students who have disabilities in order to coordinate support services and programs that enable equal access to an education and university life. To speak with an SLDS counselor to discuss referral options and potential services for a student that may need accommodations, please call 614-292-3307. Our meetings and contact will be discreet and CONFIDENTIAL. Important: Utilizing Ohio State services WILL NOT affect your VA Disability Rating or your eligibility for VA Medical Care.
Walter E. Dennis Learning Center
The Walter E. Dennis Learning Center provides Ohio State students with strategies for college success, academic learning services and support, and assistance with study skills, time management and test-taking strategies.
Student Advocacy Center
The mission of the Student Advocacy Center is to assist students in resolving problems that they encounter at Ohio State, navigating university policies and procedures, and university bureaucracy.
Credit By Examination
To thank you for your service, and to ease the process of getting credit for knowledge and skills you may have previously gained through military training and experience, the Registrar's office has made all of Ohio State’s Credit by Examination program free for veterans enrolled at Ohio State. This is a $65 savings per test. These exams are developed and used by Ohio State only, and you can gain credit for that subject — up to the credits that would be earned for passing the corresponding course.
You can only take a specific course test once, but you can take an unlimited number of subjects. We caution you that these tests are rigorous and encourage you to study and review the material as you would for any final or cumulative test.
More information on the tests, including which courses are available on the University Registrar website. We recommend you review this thoroughly prior to taking any course test. Note: The brochure is updated every academic year, and is subject to change without notice.
To register and schedule a test, please go to the following link: Examination Mark for Veterans. Once there, click on 1) "OSU Testing" and 2)"Examination Mark (EM) for Veterans" and select the course test you want to take and the date and time of your choosing. You will be required to accurately fill in the required information, which will be used to verify your status as an Ohio State student-veteran. Once your status is confirmed the $65 fee will be waived.
**Note: some tests require referrals from specific departments to ensure you are taking the appropriate level of test — all math EM tests, chemistry and some computer science and engineering require referrals as well (the system will notify you if required).
Please let us know if you have any questions. You may also contact the Ohio State Testing Center Directly at 614-292-2241 or email questions to The Testing Center is located at 585 Student Academic Services (SAS) Building at 281 W. Lane Ave.