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Military and Veterans Services is the university's single point of contact for all military and veterans services and concerns. Any student utilizing VA education benefits must work with this office as part of their registration and enrollment. Military and Veterans Services is part of the Office of Undergraduate Education, as are Air Force ROTCArmy ROTC, and Naval ROTC.

Some of the office’s services include:

  • Manage the VA certification and registration for all veterans' education benefits to which student veterans and dependents are entitled. 
  • Coordinate all VA education benefit and payment activities with Buckeye Link, the Office of the Registrar, the Bursar, Financial Aid, and student records. 
  • Coordinate the Tri-service ROTC programs and policies with university offices and enable the cadre to deliver military instruction to meet their services’ needs for commissioned officers.
  • Assist students with accessing essential university services such as academic exploration and advising, student advocacy, counseling and consultation, and Student Life Disability Services. 
  • Connect students with state and federal agencies that support military-connected students and their families. 

         (Monday-Thursday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.; Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m.)   

 If you are a military-connected student and are a parent, please register to be notified of family-friendly events.     

Valuing our veterans: support and assistance

University policy supporting service members and student veterans applicable to faculty, staff, student employees, students and volunteers. 

Read the policy

We look forward to serving you!

Schedule an academic advising appointment with Emilia Louy. If you have general questions about MVS at Ohio State, contact the MVS office at 614-247-VETS.